how to write a blog on wordpress
how to write a blog on wordpress
how to write a blog on wordpress-
Is you searching for how to write a blog on wordpress so, read this post and we will tell you in best way.
Wordpress is the world’s largest
and most popular tool for
blogging and website creation.
It is totally based on php, mysql
languages and used by major
or top websites in the world.
Thousands of themes, plugins,
customization features and
many more things we can do
from wordpress.
wordpress is easy to use,easy to learn,effective cost,no develover required and , security and SEO friendly.even in wordpress you can also add our product and sell them.
write a blog on wordpress follow steps
I also personally use this site.
After that open the home page of findrighthost. (as seen in below)

Step 2: Click on Manager orders and then click on list of orders
Your domain name appears as seen in below picture.

Step 3: Click on your domain

After Opening the name server details, and purchasing the hosting
plan from GlobeHost, GlobeHost will send you the DNS server details
on your mail and copy the both name server details to domain server
After 8–24 hrs your website will getting live.
Step 6 : Login into your globe Host
Step 8: Click on this link as mention below

Step 11: Again in C-panel, click on word press in
Step 13: Fill the entire entries like
Choose protocol — http://www instead of htt://
Choose Domain — your domain name
In Director — Leave it blank(wp=delete it)
Admin Username — your choice
Admin password password — your choice
Admin email — admin@domain
Email installtion details — your gmail id
Click on Install Button.
how to write a blog on wordpress,Hence your wordpress is installed into your website and start making your website.
Then after add theme and add post, page or product in website.
Friends, If you like this post how to write a blog on wordpress, kindly below the post and do share your response. Thank you for reading.
And if you have any queries comment below and I make a post on it thank you.

create google analytics account/how to connect google analytics to website?create google analytics account/how to connect google analytics to website.Want to know how to create or connect google analytics to website so see post we will tell you how to create google analytics account.
So, firstly why google analytics is important for website. It is important for website because it analysis whole website traffic like how much user is available.
And even google analytics shows user’s location, language, browser, devices.
google analytics also shows that is user is new or old.
And also show what type of traffic comes in website like direct, organic, returning, paid or refferal.
So, after learning about google analytics Now, we start how tocreate google analytics account. So follow these simple steps:
Step 1: search on Google tab google analytics.
Step2:then sing up with google account then start and fill your full name.
Step3:then choose your item which you if you have website then …

Friends, If you like this post, kindly below the post and do share your response. Thank you for reading.
What is meant by digital marketing?What is meant by digital marketing. digital marketing is a marketing techniques that involves,
usage of digital medium such as internet and wireless for creating awareness,consideration,purchase and loyalty for a brand, product or a service.
Digital marketing made up of two words:
“Digital” internet and wireless medium
“Marketing” Online Marketing Objective: Awareness,Consideration, Purchase And Loyalty.what is meant by digital marketing.
What is meant by digital marketing
difference between traditional and digital marketing?
difference between traditional and digital marketing.firstly,there are huge difference in traditional and digital marketing.but in digital marketing scope is high and investment know we start difference between traditional and digital marketing
Traditional marketing:
Involves presence on prints ads,…

google adsense account create/how to create google adsense accountgoogle adsense account create/how to create google adsense account-Is you searching for how google adsense account create so I will tell you about adsense and how to set up.
Google AdSense is a free or best program that lets you display Google ads on your
website or Blog in free.
google adsense also increases your because of ads your site also improved.
But google adsense not gives approval to anyone google also have there eligibility like content should be unique,create all legal pages in your website.
Ads can be in form of text,images, videos that are targeted to the site’s audience and content.
These ads generate
revenue either on a PPC or
COM basis etc.
Now we talk about howgoogle adsense account create in steps:
Step 1: Sign-up in your Google AdSense
account with the help of URL -
Step 2:fill your information like url, country and tick on there terms and conditions.
Step 3:choose …
Originally published at on March 15, 2020.